Member-only story
Mourning Song
I am White Wolf.
You know me and have searched for me all your life.
I’m here.
I’m waiting for you, just as I’ve always been.
This world is too noisy.
The sadness in your life keeps repeating itself, Mourning Song. The moon and the earth cry out to you, but you no longer hear their voices.
The sound in your ears is too loud; the noise of the day you are in is too strong.
Your vision is cloudy.
You’ve fought a good fight to get through the fog. You think you’ve won, but you haven’t.
You’re in a different world now.
The fog is deceptive and has many holes along the way for you to stumble into. You run as if you have no worries, yet your mind is cloudy and your heart is heavy with pain.
You are afraid of the truth.
Be still, Mourning Song.