Who Are the People In Your Bullyhood?
They’re the People That You Meet Each Day
The thing about having once been the victim of bullying is that you don’t forget. I don’t care the level of bullishness you experienced, whether it be mild or severe, it’s something that sticks with you for life.
So, when it rolls around again, you don’t fail to recognize it, even if you don’t always acknowledge it to the masses.
This article is to address your hidden bulliness, and to let you know that I see you, and you aren’t getting away with anything. The fact is that I’m on a plane of existence above you now, and your stinky bulliness doesn’t touch me (if it ever did) and so you’re wasting your old bullying time devising ways to get at me because you can’t touch this (thanks MC Hammer, you really said something there).
I talked to a friend of mine today. We’re in the same business. We hock our wares to the general public in a booth setting, hoping we have something that appeals to someone. A lot of people who do this work really hard at it. We’re constantly moving things in and out of our booths, coming up with new ways to display, new merchandise (or in my case, vintage merchandise), and things to catch the eye.
My booth is unique. I combine art and vintage goods and really just do my own thing. It’s called Pink Hair and Pajama Bottoms, and I’m about to start selling both of those as well, even though that’s not what the name is all about. It started with something I wrote, and then I realized it went with the whole “work from home” vibe and it took off like wildfire!
At least for me.
This is where the old bully pops up and says, “I don’t see any wildfire going on in that booth of yours. You may wanna SET fire to it…”
Whatever, Bully.
I now have my own brand and it’s growing, with my own products that I design. A dream of mine since childhood. Greeting cards, bookmarks, art prints, and a lot of mid century modern vintage classics I happen to stumble upon when I’m out shopping.
My friend’s booth is totally opposite. She sells the most wonderful clothes and actually just opened an additional booth with some fantastic home décor items I would love to have in my house but they don’t fit my mid century mod theme.
And there are many other booths in this beautiful store, plus I have booths in two others as well.
But here’s the deal. We were talking about the way other vendors are so jealous that they’ll do anything to keep you from succeeding. They talk about you, sabotage you, throw all kinds of shade, talk down to you, and so many other things!
What they don’t seem to want to do is put the work in on their own booths to make them successful, instead just throwing in all the bulliatrics they can, hoping to get a rise out of you!
Granted, this is just a handful of people who do this kind of bullideception. But I don’t understand why bullyhood isn’t something you grow out of when you get out of childhood. Because I know I don’t have time for it. It astonishes me that other people do!
It’s so much easier to be happy when other people succeed and to be loving and giving rather than to walk around sour all the time, devising schemes to make people fall on their faces.
Most of us can do quite well with that on our own, and don’t need any help from the bulligator section. So y’all just keep on being your bullish selves but if you’ll just stay in your lane, we’ll stay over here in our own happy and productive lane.
I promise not to ever run over you with anything but a smile.
Kisses y’all, even the bullies.
And if I made up any words here, well, sue me. Not really, I’m broke. Y’all bullies probably the ones making all the money.